mercredi 16 octobre 2024

Dark Brown - American Instrument (2024)

Well, there's really a lot to say about this album American Instrument. The instrument there is the drum set, the drum set having been invented in America and the album is a kind of tribute to drumming by drummer Bryan Lee Brown, playing here as Dark Brown. But don't be mistaken, it's a treat for drummers, but shouldn't be reduced to an album for drummers. It's an excellent psychedelic rock album, with a minimalistic feel, bordering drone or krautrock repetitive patterns at times. Recorded over 13 years in 9 studios it features some famous other drummers (John Stanier, Jon Theodore, Brad Wilk, Dave Catching), but there's also Eric MacFadden on guitar, and
you sure will also notice the legendary surf guitar pioneer Dick Dale. Highly recommended!

The BC page.



dimanche 13 octobre 2024

FLUIDS - Reduced Capabilities (2024)

Fourth album from these modern morticians (yes, I do mean their music sounds like a modernized version of Mortician), Reduced Capabilities, unlike the previous album, doesn't experiment, with one exception, but one you'll notice : it's a Moby cover. No joke. I think Not Dark Yet was more memorable overall, but Reduced Capabilities is still an enjoyable listen, heavy, groovy, and fun in FLUIDS twisted way.

The BC page.


mardi 8 octobre 2024

SECT - Plagues Upon Plagues (2024)

SECT is a band with vocalist Chris Colohan (Cursed, Burning Love, Left for Dead), Scott Crouse from Earth Crisis, and three other experienced musicians from the hardcore scene. Plagues Upon Plagues, their third album, is a nice slice of slow and sludgy metallic hardcore that would feel at home on your shelf close to Vision of Disorder, Crowbar or Brutality Will Prevail. Good stuff.

The BC page.

vendredi 4 octobre 2024

The Ragged Jubilee - Mulholland Overdrive (2023)

Remember very well reviewing The Ragged Jubilee first album in 2012, not only because that was only the tenth post on Blasting Days (this one is the 1452!), but also because I really liked it. In the meantime, four albums and more than ten years later their music sounds heavier, still reminding The Doors at times, still with elements of garage rock that became more prevalent since their second album (that I also reviewed back in 2012), but no more americana/folk elements and Mulholland Overdrive is more like The Doors meets Black Sabbath, joined by the Black Keys. And that's totally fine, since the quality is still there. Good stuff!

Their Bandcamp page (unfortunately Mulholland Overdrive is not yet on it...).

mardi 1 octobre 2024

Today is the Day - No Good to Anyone (2020)

No Good to Anyone? This latest album from Today is the Day is probably good for you, and for sure I do enjoy listening to it. It's a finely crafted mix of all TITD have done in its career, from the Am Rep twisted noise rock to the more recent extreme metal elements, and there's also a large dose of doom metal as well, showing it can fit very well Today is the Day. Interesting songs, interesting album. And a good way to enter the world of Today is the Day if you don't know it yet. Recommended!

The BC page.


jeudi 26 septembre 2024

Sick/Tired - Whip Hand Paranoia (2024)

Powerviolence/grind band Sick/Tired took their time to come back, but that was definitely worth the wait! Whip Hand Paranoia is a ferocious album filled with short super condensed blast of PV/grind fury. And to make things more interesting and add a bit of diversity they also bring some somewhat noise/indus guitar work, at times reminding a bit of Napalm Death experiments. Appropriately, it's released by Nerve Altar, currently the best grind label. Strong contender for best grind album of the year ! 

The BC page.


lundi 23 septembre 2024

Hyperdontia - Harvest of Malevolence (2024)

Harvest of Malevolence, the third album from Hyperdontia will easily find its way among the best old school death metal release of the year. I discovered them with the excellent EP they released last year, and this album is totally up to my expectations. Perfect old school feel and atmosphere (taking from both the US and Swedish schools) with especially good guitar work (and the bass & drums are doing a good job as well). Recommended!

The BC page.