samedi 29 mars 2025

Drugs of Faith - Asymmetrical (2025)

Asymmetrical is the third album from Drugs of Faith, and another excellent piece of noise-rock flavoured hardcore punk, evoking both Black Flag and Unsane. Great songs, and an excellent vocalist. Recommended stuff!


The BC page.

mardi 25 mars 2025

Wailin Storms - The Silver Snake Unfolds (2022)

Wailin Storms is a band I've been following for ten years, so it's due time I review one of their album, even if a bit late, since The Silver Snake Unfolds was released in 2022. Their music is a kind of modern take on the post-punk/swamp rock/gothic americana thing, reminding Joy Division, Gun Club, Birthday Party or Slug Guts, but blending it with heavier doom/Neurosis elements. Good stuff.


The BC page. 


samedi 22 mars 2025

Savage Master - Dark & Dangerous (2025)

Dark & Dangerous is the Fifth album from Savage Master, and they deliver again a finely crafted piece of heavy/speed metal, full of cool riffing, but what really set them apart are the awesome vocals of Stacey Savage. It's released by Shadow Kingdom records, probably the best dealer of traditional heavy metal right now. Recommended!


The BC page. 


mardi 18 mars 2025

Erection House - Feels of Correction (2023)

Sounding like a mix of The Stooges at their most psych/noise and Brainbombs, Feels of Correction, released in 2023, is Erection House (from Copenhagen) excellent first album. Time for a second one guys, I'm looking forward to it! 

The BC page.


vendredi 14 mars 2025

Christoph de Babalon - No Favours (2024)

No Favours is my favourite among the recent Christoph de Babalon releases. A 4 tracks EP showcasing his ability to blend old school jungle and dark ambient (the "gothic jungle" tag he uses is also a good way to describe it) with great results. Recommended stuff!


The BC page. 


lundi 10 mars 2025

Exhorbitant Prices Must Diminish - For A Limited Time (2024)

For A Limited Time is the first album from Swiss grinders Exhorbitant Prices Must Diminish (but they exist since 2015). From the cover art you wouldn't expect old-school grind, but that's not totally misleading since they manage to play old school grind with a twist, taking the core elements, but unlike many bands they avoid sounding standardised. Sounding at the same time old school and "fresh" isn't so easy, but For A Limited Time is definitely succeeding in doing exactly that. Good job!


The BC page. 


samedi 8 mars 2025

Saturnalia Temple - Paradigm Call (2024)

Released one year ago, Paradigm Call is Saturnalia Temple third album, ten years after the previous one (the also excellent To The Other). And one thing is clear : they lost nothing of their ability to craft quality psychedelic doom. And like previously, they lean on the more epic heavy metal side of psych doom, with parts getting closer to High on Fire than to Sleep. Paradigm Call was worth the wait, thank you !


The BC page. 


samedi 1 mars 2025

Fleshbore - Painted Paradise (2025)

With their second album Painted Paradise (released by Transcending Obscurity Records, who you can trust for good death metal) Fleshbore have delivered an awesome piece of technical death metal, both brutal and melodic/progressive. It can evoke both Archspire and Obscura (but I think Painted Paradise is better than the new Obscura album) and stand as the death metal album to beat in 2025. Good luck!


The Bandcamp page.