jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Bain de sang - Sacrificed for a Load of Filth and Lies (EP 2020)

Bain de sang is a recent French grind/punk band with members from Blockheads and Department of Correction. Their new EP Sacrificed for a Load of Filth and Lies is exactly what I want from a grind/punk band, and they do it the way it should be done. Fast, powerful and straight to the point, and the good riffs doesn't harm either. So it's a band I'll follow closely (their demo a few years ago unfortunately escaped my radar but I'll try to keep track of what they'll do next!). My only complaint is that the noise track in the end isn't really good, I like better the new trend in grind/powerviolence of noise tracks than the previous trend of sludge tracks, but this time it's not really convincing. But the grind songs are excellent and that's what matters.


The BC page. 


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