dimanche 15 septembre 2024

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All (2024)

See that whirlwind of unfathomable brutality on the cover ? This depict perfectly what Nile music is, and if you forgot how powefull their technical and brutal deah metal can be, The Underworld Awaits Us All will be a merciless reminder. After some good (the average Nile album is still above 99% of the other bands releases...) but a bit disapointing albums, this is a spectacular return to form and maybe their best album after their early classics. You know what you have to do... listening is mandatry, and if you don't, expect to be "Hung Upside Down on A Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes". You've been warned!

The Bandcamp page.


jeudi 12 septembre 2024

Brother Dege - Aurora (2024)

The news of the death of Dege Legg known as a musician as Brother Dege really came as a shock to me. Not only because I liked his music (and I loved his music! Still do). I spent a large part of last year translating from English to French his book, Cablog (released in French as Cabdriver) and Dege music was something like the soundtrack of my life at that time. I admired him as a man and as an author as much as I admired him as a musician. I was looking forward to at last meet him at last during his European tour scheduled after the release of Aurora, his new album. He will really be missed. Now, is Aurora living up to the expectancy? Yes, definitely, his garage/blues/psych/southern rock got more personal and emotional, and it's as good and maybe even more memorable than the previous excellent albums. At least Dege left on a very high note. Thank you for that and for all the rest, brother...

The Bandcamp page.


The website. 


lundi 9 septembre 2024

Botanist - Paleobotany (2024)

Paleobotany is the twelfth album from Botanist, in which the post-black metal one-man band playing hammered dulcimer instead of guitars and singing about plants move further away from black metal, with a totally convincing result. On Paleobotany the focus was on creating memorable songs, and it sounds like there have been a lot of work dedicated to the clean singing parts, which is now the most important part of the singing. And the work paid off, those clean vocals are great. The extreme metal vocals are still present, rare but more impacting thanks to the contrast. The blast beats are also still there, and the drumming as good as usual. Maybe my favourite Botanist album so far, I really recommend it!

The Bandcamp page.


mardi 3 septembre 2024

Squid Pisser - Vaporize A Tadpole (2024)

Vaporize A Tadpole is the first of the two albums Squid Pisser released this year (I have to catch up witht he one thy released in June...), after a first one last year.  The Californian duo (Tommy Meehan & Seth Carolina) play what could be described as "alien chaotic hardcore" with some noise and samples added for more weirdness. Over the top intensity through and through. To complete the picture I can also say it's been released on the label of The Locust frontman and theere's a featuring by Malt banana singer. Rarely chaos is so pleasing.

The BC page.