jeudi 12 septembre 2024

Brother Dege - Aurora (2024)

The news of the death of Dege Legg known as a musician as Brother Dege really came as a shock to me. Not only because I liked his music (and I loved his music! Still do). I spent a large part of last year translating from English to French his book, Cablog (released in French as Cabdriver) and Dege music was something like the soundtrack of my life at that time. I admired him as a man and as an author as much as I admired him as a musician. I was looking forward to at last meet him at last during his European tour scheduled after the release of Aurora, his new album. He will really be missed. Now, is Aurora living up to the expectancy? Yes, definitely, his garage/blues/psych/southern rock got more personal and emotional, and it's as good and maybe even more memorable than the previous excellent albums. At least Dege left on a very high note. Thank you for that and for all the rest, brother...

The Bandcamp page.


The website. 


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